EQE: everything you need to know to pass the examination

<div style="text-align:justify">EQE is an official examination organized once every year by a Supervisory <strong>Board, an Examination Board,</strong> Examination Committees, and an Examination Committee. All candidates have to to convince the professionals that they possess enough knowLEDge.</div>

EQE is an official exam organized once per year by a Supervisory Board, an Examination Board, Examination Committees, and an Examination Committee. All candidates have to to convince the professionals that they collected proper knowLEDge.

They are able sit the examination in English, French or German. But what is it generally about?
All European Patent Attorneys profitably dealt with EQE, which is the European Qualifying Examination. It’s the vital condidion for anybody who wishes to turn into that kind of professional. In order to pass, you ought to be acquainted with European patent law, the Paris Convention, EPO board of appeal case law, Patent Cooperation treaty and selected civil laws as well. The exam spans three days and is held in numerous cities at once.

Autor: U.S. Pacific Air Forces
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The future European Patent Attorneys’ job is to turn in a pre-examination theses and four other papers (A, B, C, D) and receive a good mark on each of them. The one before the A-D papers is a multiple choice test that comprises legal issues and issues referring to outlining claims. The remaining ones, generally, consist of some more outlining: for instance of a note and legitimate assessments. As you can notice, it verifies, both, theoretical and functional knowledge.
european patent attorneys

Autor: peddhapati
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
EQE demands lengthy and careful studying and surviving several draining and nerve-racking days of composing great quality papers.

However, don’t let it scare you: if you work regularly, you can accomplish your goal. And remember to research trainings that may be of use.

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